We are transitioning to a new family database system. In the interim, please use the following form to submit requests for financial and emotional support.

Feel free to reach out to Whitney at with any questions.

We know the financial implications of your child’s cancer diagnosis are significant. While you’ve been focusing on caring for your child and family, you’ve likely experienced a decrease in income and an increase in expenses. We want to help make your life a bit easier by providing meaningful financial support for your daily living expenses, including: 

  • Rent or mortgage

  • Water, gas, and electric bills

  • Gas for transportation 

  • Groceries 

Financial Support

To be eligible for financial support, your family must: 

  • Be a registered NC4K Family.

  • Have a child in active treatment for pediatric cancer or be within one year of completing active treatment. 

  • Live in Ohio or have a child receiving treatment at an Ohio hospital. 

Financial Support Request Guidelines

  • Financial support requests must be completed online. All requests received by the 5th of the month will be reviewed and processed by the 15th of that month. All requests submitted after the 5th of the month will be reviewed in the following month. 

  • All pages of the bill and remittance information must be submitted. Screenshots of bills will not be accepted.

  • Copies of pages 1 and 2 of your most recent tax return, form 1040, must be submitted.

  • All approved financial support is mailed directly to the vendor.

  • Families are only eligible for one rent or mortgage payment per calendar year.

  • All financial requests will be discussed with the family's social worker.

  • NC4K is unable to guarantee that every request will be approved.

Emotional Support

We know that a pediatric cancer diagnosis takes a toll on the entire family, and we feel it is important to foster moments for you and your loved ones to simply enjoy time together doing something that makes you smile. We work directly with you and your family to create these smiles in a meaningful way.

What would put a smile on your face and create a memory-making moment for your family? Let us know.