NC4K is honored to announce that the Sam Bish Foundation will be merging with NC4K’s support services for families facing a pediatric cancer diagnosis in Ohio. Founded in memory of Sam, who passed away due to complications from osteosarcoma at the age of nine, The Sam Bish Foundation shares NC4K’s focus on providing financial and emotional support for pediatric cancer families.


Jean Schodde passed away in late 2023 and left a planned gift for NC4K. We learned that Jean’s decision to make this generous gift came after talking with Debbie's grandson, NC4K Hero Aiden, and learning about his meaningful experiences with NC4K. Read the full article and hear more about Aiden's journey above!



If you were at the Pure Imagination Fashion Show on October 5, you may have seen Katy in the traditional Hero Walk at the end of the show. We sat down with Katy to hear her perspective on the Fashion Show, how it’s changed, and why she continues to participate ten years after her cancer diagnosis.

NC4K Champions Jim and Holly Case have been steadfast supporters of NC4K for years. They made an incredibly meaningful contribution by sponsoring $5,000 of the match gift for our 2024 September campaign! Learn more about their story in the article above.


We chatted with Erin from Young + Wild Balloon Co. about starting her business as a stay-at-home mom, her experience on the NC4K Board of Directors, and her upcoming, can't-miss Golden Gala. Read more in the article above!


Dave Ritter is in his seventeenth year as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ with Thrivent and his seventh month as a member of the NC4K Board of Directors. Learn about his commitment to living generously in our interview above.


Andrew Etter, who works for DHL Supply Chain as Associate General Counsel, has been serving as NC4K's Board President since the start of 2024. Read our interview with him to learn more about Andrew’s engagement with NC4K and how his roles as a lawyer and a father influence his perspective on the organization.


We recently had a conversation with NC4K Hero Reid Zupanc, who is now a junior in high school with a busy schedule and big ambitions. In this article, Reid speaks about his plans to become a neuropathologist, the importance of collaboration among childhood cancer organizations, and joyful moments catching up with friends in the NC4K community.


We recently caught up with NC4K Hero Hannah Lewis, who modeled in our second-ever Fashion Show and is now studying for her Master's degree in Higher Education at Ohio State. Hannah spoke about watching NC4K change over the years, how her treatment experience affects her outlook on life, and the joy in seeing some familiar faces at Buckeyethon.
